Jkssb syllabus for the post of Psychiatric Social Worker/Vocational Counsellor/ Medico Social Worker Medical Social Worker/ Social Worker

Jkssb syllabus for the post of Psychiatric Social Worker/Vocational Counsellor/ Medico Social
Worker Medical Social Worker/ Social

Unit 1
1. Society, Community, Association.
2. Social Stratification: Caste, Class and Social Stratification in India.
3. Social Institutions: Norms, Values, Folkways and Mores
4. Marriage, Kinship and Family

Unit 2
1. Gender inequality and Issues.
2. Stages and Theories of Human Development (Freud, Erikson,)
3. Socialization and its Theories
4. Anxiety Disorders: Phobia, OCD, GAD, Panic Disorder, PTSD

Unit 3
1. Theories of Economic Development
2. Indicators of Social Development
3. Population Growth Issues and Challenges
4. Rural Development Programmes (1990 onwards)
Unit 4
1. United Nations Organization: Structure and function
2. Non Alignment Movement and its Genesis
3. Fundamental rights, Fundamental duties and Directive principle of
State Policy
4. Democracy, Liberty, Equality and Justice
Unit 5
1. Panchayati Raj System
2. Social Networking and its Impact
3. Basic Computer Applications (Elementary knowledge)
4. Macdonalisation and its effect
Unit 6
1. Concept of social work: Philanthropy and Charity
2. Social work and its Relation with other Disciplines
3. Socil Religious Movements
Unit 7
1. Hindu Reform Movement
2. Land Reform Movement in Kashmir
3. Major Peasant and Tribal Movements
4. Spread of Modern Education.
Unit 8
1. Human rights: Concept and Evolution
2. Universal Declaration of Human rights
3. Women Rights
4. Child Rights
Unit 9
1. Poverty and Unemployment
2. Population Explosion, Global Warming and Climate Change
3. Drug Addiction ,Child Abuse, Delinquency
4. Trafficking, Beggary, Corruption.
Unit 10
1. Female foeticide and infanticide
2. Child and Women Welfare Schemes
3. Old age and Disability Schemes.
4. Health and Family Welfare Programmes

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