Advertisement Notice No. 07 GMCA of 2021
Online Application forms are invited from the eligible
candidates of UT of J&K for engagement on Academic Arrangement
Basis against the posts of Technician/Technical Assistants in terms
of S.O 364,dated 27.11.2020, initially for a period of one year
extendable upto maximum of six years (one year at a time and
subject to good performance and conduct)
or till the selection is
made in accordance with the rules of recruitment, governing the
respective posts, whichever is earlier.
I. The candidate must be domicile of J&K UT.
II. The selection shall be made in accordance with the rules of
prescribed in the Government Order No. 130 HME of 2018,dated
19.02.2018 and amendments thereof vide Government Order No.
680-HME of 2018 dated 10.12.2018. The engagement under S.O
364.dated 27.11.2020 on Academic Arrangement Basis shall not
entitle the engagees to any preferential claim for regular
III. The Academic Arrangement shall cease on the date of appointment
of regular candidates to be made competent authority.
IV. The selected candidate shall have to submit an affidavit to the effect
that he/she shall not claim for any regular appointment/ extension
in the department.
V. The posts are contractual and do not confer any right for the selected
candidates to the permanent absorption in the department.
VI. The selection of candidate for each post shall be as per the criteria
notified in this advertisement.
VII. The engagement shall be terminated on account of non/poor
performance without any notice & keeping in view the public health
importance of the programme.
Instructions for submitting online applications
1. Interested candidates can apply online at the link with 10 days from the publication of this
2. Click Recruitment from the menubar, _____________
3. Fill in your personal, address, experience and qualification
details carefully.
Documents to be uploaded with application form.
I. Essential qualification certificate.
II. Marks Certificate of Essential qualification.
III. D.O.B Certificate.
IV. Domicile Certificate.
V. Matric Marks Sheet.
VI. 10+2 (Marks Sheet).
VII. Registration Certificate.
4. Submit the application form, along with uploading of documents.
5. After successful completion of the application candidates will be
able to get the print out of your filled form.
6. Application form once submitted successfully will not be
editable. Candidate will be solely responsible for all the information
submitted by him/her. In case of any information is found
incorrect/ deficient/incoherent at any stage, the application form
shall be summarily rejected and such candidate will be debarred
from all the future engagements.
7. Candidates should not submit the print-out of the application to
GMC at this stage.
However, candidates shall submit the
downloaded print-out of the application form alongwith attested
copies of requisite documents as and when GMC may call for
submission of documents.
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